A Gala For A Thousand People? Just Another Gig for Gigpro

How the Sharonville Convention Center used Gigpro to Nail the NAACP's Annual Gala
When Rebecca Morgan learned that the Sharonville Convention Center would be hosting the NAACP’s annual Gala—a high profile event with over 1000 guests—she knew her team had to be firing on all cylinders. As the Director of Operations of the convention center, she’s worked with countless event servers over the years. And when she needed top notch talent—35 event servers to be exact—she turned to Gigpro.
“I needed a hail Mary,” she said. The Gala was in two days. Reaching out to her account representative at Gigpro, Morgan explained the details of the event, thinking she would also have to rely on other staffing solutions to fill out the sheer number of roles she had available. As it turned out, Gigpro was able to fill every position.
Within hours of connecting with Gigpro, Morgan began receiving a flood of text message confirmations of qualified, verified and hardworking Pros available to work her Gig. A process that would have normally taken weeks—posting ads, sourcing candidates and interviewing them—took all but an afternoon.
Now fully staffed, the Gala, according to Morgan, went off without a hitch - thanks in part to the hands-on customer service she received from Gigpro.
Unique Needs for Convention Centers
With convention centers, it can be feast or famine when it comes to events—which no doubt makes staffing year round a unique challenge. In an off season, a convention center might only have a few big events in a given month. At the same time, roles at convention centers require a lot of training and knowledge of the premises and its amenities—making temporary hires a challenge too.
That’s where Gigpro comes in, helping to fill the gap between full time hires and temporary workers whom businesses won’t always have the time to train and get up to speed.
In Morgan’s case, she has a roster of over 20 Pros she has worked with extensively and knows she can depend on whenever she needs them. And since they’ve worked at the convention center before, there’s no need to train them every time they come in for a shift.
The Pros love it too, according to Morgan—she can approve their hours and pay them out the same day they had their shift, making it convenient for them to earn extra cash when unexpected expenses come up.
It’s been a boon for her regular staff as well, who know they’ll get the support they need for big events—and made dealing with callouts and illnesses easier across the board for the team.
That in turn has helped the convention center maintain an adequate level of staffing throughout the year while also having the ability to staff up with workers who are effectively 1-to-1 with their regular staff in terms of training and abilities.
With this flexibility in staffing, the Sharonville Convention Center has been able to lower their administrative expenses while still delivering top notch event experiences.
“Gigpro,” Morgan said, “is amazing.”